The Resilient Writers Radio Show
Welcome to the Resilient Writers Radio Show! This is the podcast for writers who want to create and sustain a writing life they love. It's for writers who love books, and everything that goes into the making of them. For writers who wanna learn and grow in their craft, and improve their writing skills. Writers who want to finish their books, and get them out into the world so their ideal readers can enjoy them, writers who wanna spend more time in that flow state, writers who want to connect with other writers to celebrate and be in community in this crazy roller coaster ride we call “the writing life.”
The Resilient Writers Radio Show
Your Heart Knows the Way, with Meredith Heller
This week on the podcast, I'm speaking with a poet and that always means opening our heart, doesn't it? Join us as we explore the heart-centred, authentic and more vulnerable sides of this art of writing -- and enjoy a little poetry break as well!
Meredith Heller is the author of Writing by Heart, Write a Poem, Save Your Life, and several poetry collections. A poet, singer-songwriter, avid nature lover, and educator with degrees inwriting and education, she leads writing workshops online and in-person at schools, juvenile detention centers, women’s prisons, and wellness retreats. Visit her online at